Polarization time of unpolarized light


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Polarization time of unpolarized light

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Polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain imaging based on unpolarized light.

Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) is an augmented form of OCT, providing 3D images of both tissue structure and polarization properties. We developed a new method of polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain imaging (PS-OFDI), which is based on a wavelength-swept source. In this method the sample was illuminated with unpolarized light, which was composed of two ...

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Λ polarization from unpolarized quark fragmentation

The longstanding problem of explaining the observed polarization of Λ hyperons inclusively produced in the high energy collisions of unpolarized hadrons is tackled by considering spin and k⊥ dependent quark fragmentation functions. The data on Λ’s and Λ̄’s produced in p−N processes are used to determine simple phenomenological expressions for these new “polarizing fragmentation functions”, which...

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Hyperon Polarization in Unpolarized Scattering Processes

Abstract Transverse polarization in the Hyperon (Λ) production in the unpolarized deep inelastic scattering and pp collisions is studied in the twist-three approach, considering the contribution from the quark-gluon-antiquark correlation distribution in nucleon. We further compare our results for deep inelastic scattering to a transverse momentum dependent factorization approach, and find consi...

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Hyperon Polarization from Unpolarized pp and ep Collisions

Cross section formulas for the Λ polarization in pp → Λ↑(`T )X and ep→ Λ↑(`T )X are derived and its characteristic features are discussed. In this report we discuss the polarization of Λ hyperon produced in unpolarized pp and ep collisions relevant for the ongoing RHIC-SPIN, HERMES and COMPASS experiments. According to the QCD factorization theorem, the polarized cross section for pp→ Λ↑X consi...

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عنوان ژورنال: Optica

سال: 2017

ISSN: 2334-2536

DOI: 10.1364/optica.4.000064